Bug Off mosquito repellent uses an active ingredient called as DEET. This ingredient has been used for over 70 years and over 60 billion human applications. Bug Off only repels and does not kill the mosquito and hence are skin friendly & safe. Bug Off is an approved product under FDA. The ingredient DEET is recommended by WHO, US FDA, Centers for Disease Control and other prominent medical associations for its efficiency. DEET is considered as the gold standard in mosquito protection.

Safe for All
Bug Off only repels and does not kill the mosquito. The Bug Off formulation containing the active ingredient DEET, masks the odor emanated from humans that attract the mosquitoes. This property provides the protection. The formulation contains Olive extracts, Citronella Oil, Vitamin E and other skin emollients that provide a good moisturizing benefit.
For maximum protection, apply Bug Off on all exposed skin and clothing. Always supervise while applying on children.

Long Lasting Protection
Bug Off is applicable to all age groups. It is applied on skin and clothing and provides long lasting protection.
Skin friendly
Containing Olive Extracts, Vitamin E, Bug Off is uniquely formulated to have a pleasant experience
Dengue Prevention
Bug Off mosquito repellent sprays provide protection from DENGUE, MALARIA & CHICKUNGUNYA Vectors by repelling them.
Safety Record
The Center for Disease Control and American Academy of Pediatrics recommend the usage of a mosquito repellent containg DEET.