A cleanroom environment has stringent requirements on contamination and microbial load. 80% of the Bio-burden load is caused by the presence of human operators. The current clean room apparels although aseptic after the laundry washes do not offer a way to continuously kill the microbial load from humans. BLUFENZ PPW’s unique permanently bonded anti-microbial technology provides continuous action against microbes and helps keep the microbial load always under control.
BLUFENZ PPW's are engineered to adhere to the GMP requirements for the clean room apparels while maintaining the integrity of the anti-microbial efficacy.
- Suitable for chemical protection clothing for pharmaceuticals & food
- Active Anti-microbial property to keep bio burden below 20 CFU/100 sq.cm at all times
- Low in Lint/particle
- Washable (Autoclavable, Regular detergent wash)
- Comfortable fit
- Woven fabric stitched for durability

100% Assurance on Quality/Regulatory Standards for BioBurden
The unique anti-microbial technology on the PPW provides active anti-microbial activity and maintains a BioBurden of 20 CFU/100 sq.cm. This property helps in 100% assurance of Quality and Regulatory compliance standards applied for Cleanrooms and reduces the risk of contamination

A clean uniform is defined as a product with Bio-burden of 20 CFU/100sq.cm. A comparison chart of Bio Burden build up of traditional products and BLUFENZ PPW are given in the chart. The active anti-microbial property of the fabric continues to kill/inhibit the growth of pathogens and help prevent the build of Bio Burden. This ensures that the Bio burden remains always less than the regulated standard of 20 CFU/100 sq.cm. The Bio burden property remains active even after multiple washes/autoclaves.